🧙 This post may be stale!
This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!
The web is one of the best things in the world. It has never been replicated and something may never reach the same kind of exposure that it has. The only problem with the web is that there is too much content to follow along with. I sometimes discover a really cool website, only to forget about it sometime later.
If you think about it the web is ephemeral, not just in the sense that a website can be there one month and gone the next but that you can discover a website one day and then the next day completely forget about it.
I decided I wanted to keep a directory of (some useful) links that I have stumbled upon. I will be adding more links to this list for as long as I remember to and also I plan on sorting this in the future so it is easy to navigate through.
Spectral - Color
Monochrome - Color
Simple Icons - A collection of SVG Icons for random brands
Papercraft - A collection of cool SVG based letters
UI Gradients - Sweet looking gradients
CSS Reference - A pretty cool CSS Reference page
Over API - API's for a lot of common languages
Intro to React - Great resource for learning about React
Colors - New defaults for the web
Quartz - One of my favorite news sites
CSS Reference - A great little reference to some common CSS rules and declarations.
React Patterns - Patterns to follow within React applications.
Color Me - A cool interactive color tool showing you the css color function