Rebuilding Mustache

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I have recently been thinking a lot about template literal strings and their power within the scope of javascript.

I know that we have all decided to drop Mustache and move to react and similar libraries but I figured I would flex my muscles a bit and try to build out a very dead simple rendering function.

1const render = (template, model) => (
2 template.replace(/\{\{\s?([\w.]+)\s?\}\}/g, (match, variable) => (
3 variable.split('.').reduce((previous, current) => {
4 return previous[current];
5 }, model) || ''
6 ))
9let temp = `my <span>{{test}}</span>`;
10render(temp, { test: `<h2 class="testing">Test!</h2>` });
1const render = (template, model) => (
2 template.replace(/\{\{\s?([\w.]+)\s?\}\}/g, (match, variable) => (
3 variable.split('.').reduce((previous, current) => {
4 return previous[current];
5 }, model) || ''
6 ))
9let temp = `my <span>{{test}}</span>`;
10render(temp, { test: `<h2 class="testing">Test!</h2>` });

Lets break this down a bit. The render method takes in a template and a model or store of data, it searches through the template to find any words wrapped in {{}} with or without spaces, all its matches are then matched and replaced with the corresponding values from the model.

This is just a really plain render method, the next step up beyond this would be to start caching the template and storing it in the VDOM, well only if we wanted this to become a bit more efficient on handling re-renders/data updating.

Either way figured this was a simple little thing worth playing around with.