🧙 This post may be stale!
This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!
One of the first large-scale projects I worked on at Wayfair as a software engineer was on our first ever desktop Grid system. It was late 2016, maybe early 2017 at that point, we had a shared mobile grid system that was using Flexbox for alignment and spacing, however we did not yet have a layout system for desktop browsers. Because we are an e-commerce company we still had to support IE8 and other IE browsers, so we couldn't just use the same mobile grid we were using elsewhere.
I don't remember exactly what made me do it, but I decided to pick up that work to create a shared global grid system for our desktop web experiences. We decided to use a progressive enhancement methodology and start with an inline-block system for the grid and then enhance to using Flexbox for the browsers that supported it. At the time this was a big step forward for us, many of our features were not using Flexbox for layouts, floats were the most common solutions that other frontend developers were using.
Setting the scene a bit, in early 2017 Wayfair was still using two separate codebases for our mobile web and desktop web experiences, responsive design was still questioned heavily by design, engineering and product. Our styles, authored in scss, were authored in two separate files for the mobile web and desktop features. Our bundler would then determine the user agent and serve up the appropriate styles to the customers browser.
When we started work on the desktop grid system, we aimed to fit the same model
that mobile web was using as future looking development for teams to begin
building responsive layouts using the same grid systems. So we started from the
mobile web grid, using Flexbox as the backbone and then added in an
inline-block + font-size 0 fallback system for older IE. We actually even
started by wrapping our flexbox system behind an @supports
"barrier", so even
browsers like IE10 and IE11 wouldn't get the Flexbox based grid. This was a
mechanism to avoid common flex-bugs that existed within these browsers at the
time. At this time, we also added support for responsive column widths, meaning
some columns could take up half the width of the grid on mobile and then take up
a third or a fourth of the grid on desktop.
Over the two years since we first released the universal grid system for our frontend at Wayfair, we have slowly been adopting new technologies and patterns. During that time we shifted from using mustache templates to writing our code using React and components. We ported the Grid system over to a set of reusable components that developers can build layouts with, we pulled out useful parts of the grid into smaller atomic components for building simpler layouts as well (what we call the Block and Flex components for adding spacing and flexbox layout support).
Through these past two years the majority of the fundamentals of the Grid have remained solid, we haven't rewritten the whole grid system just yet, but we have slowly been adding to the system. Adding new features, all the while keeping the existing API working for those really old pages still using the initial versions of the Grid for their layout. Over time this has made the code more and more unmaintainable for engineers, often when we find a ticket to add a new feature to the Grid we find ourselves putting that work off. Hoping that we will come up with an elegant solution to this mess of code.
Its gotten to the point that a change to our grid system, will cause a 1-2 minute scss compile for the grid styles alone 😱. Putting that into scale, the Grid is currently around 500 total lines of scss code. That code uses a lot of maps, loops, variables, conditionals, dynamic classname construction and many other scss language features that we don't use elsewhere within our massive codebase.
I think a pessimistic takeaway from this is that all code becomes tech debt over time, maintenance costs on code increase as time grows. While this code has accrued its fare share of technical debt, it has also stood the test of time. It's largely the same API as it was when we first implemented it, and for the most part has held the test of time.
As software engineers, we aim to write code that has the lowest maintenance cost as possible, often we do this because we will end up maintaining that system in the future. However, its difficult to find the right abstraction the when you first write the code for the feature. It takes time to understand how the system will work, to evaluate how consumers of the API will expect it to work, and to also see how the systems around that change.
Accepting maintenance costs for authored code is the first step to understanding that you don't need the perfect abstraction. The beauty of software is that it continuously evolves over time, the patterns we use today to architect a solution will most likely not be the same as the ones we use next year, or 10 years from now.