Start Fresh

Last updated
🧙 This post may be stale!

This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!

I recently started on a new team at work, transitioning from my previous role on our design systems team at Wayfair over to the Storefront Frontend Platform team. I'm super amped to be joining the team to work on some ambitious projects for the coming years. I mostly attribute that energy coming from two sources:

  1. Working on something new
  2. Working with new people

It dawned on me, that through this team change I've been able to redefine who I am at work, it's almost like I got the ability to hit the refresh button and start fresh again.

I think it's incredibly valuable to start fresh every once and a while, it can become stale doing the same thing over and over again, but starting fresh let's you reevaluate the person you want to be.

So go ahead and start fresh again, mix it up a bit and see what comes of it!