Year in Music

Last updated
🧙 This post may be stale!

This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!

This past year I have been keeping a list of music playlists for each month of the year, I've mostly been throwing in different tracks (both new and old) that I found myself interested in listening to during that month.

I don't really know what prompted me to make a playlist for each month of the year, but I've always generally been a big fan of playlists in general, last year during Covid I created a really long playlist that I called "2020 Quarantine". Even before that I was generally making playlists for the different seasons of the year, dating at least back to freshman year of high school (almost 14 years ago!).

These playlists are sort of a snapshot into my current interests and even general feelings at the time of the year that I made it.
