🧙 This post may be stale!
This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!
I've been starting to pick up a few additional utilities that I use alongside
within my development setups, I figured I'd try to collect them here in
this post in case I need to set them up on another computer in the future, or
(maybe more likely) I can share this to friends when they ask me "what was that
command you just ran?!?".
If there's other utilities I should be aware of, reach out to share them!
gh - link
I probably don't need to say much about this, but I consider this a musthave if
most of your work is on GitHub (either public or enterprise). Where it really
shines for my use case is opening PRs, I use gh
every single time!
Git Branchless - link
This is really many utilities wrapped up in a trenchcoat! It comes with
git smartlog
(a nicer output on git log
), and also a git undo
which I strongly believe that git
should offer by default!
Git Pile - link
This has become my go-to tool for supporting a stacked diff like workflow with
git and GitHub. I tried out spr
before but it
enforced that you merge PRs from the command line instead of using the UI (which
also meant it didn't work for me at work where git permissions are intentionally
more restrictive).
"just works"â„¢, using gh
under the hood (the GitHub CLI) for opening
PRs/interacting with PRs, which means I can use all the same options as I used
to use with the GitHub CLI!