🧙 This post may be stale!
This post hasn't been updated in the past 6 months, some of the content could be a bit out of date!
It's kind of wild that it's already been a year since I published my last birthday post, time has gone by quite quickly over the last year.
In the past year I've:
I also want to revisit the goals that I set for myself in my previous birthday post:
- Get healthier
- Improve my wardrobe
- Optimize finances
- Get serious about my career
Overall - I feel like I've made decent progress across all of them!
Get Healthier 🫤
I crunched the numbers on both my step count and my weight (which actually wasn't all that bad to do, but I had to merge data I captured in Notion with data I've been capturing in Obsidian since migrating), my weight honestly looks pretty bad over the past year, but within the past few months it's starting to move in the right direction.

My steps also seem alright - but honestly it's pretty biased around when I go on vacation (end of May in Mexico, early July 2024 in Connecticut and California) so I need to keep up my walking habit while away from home.

Improve my wardrobe ✅
There's not much data to pull here - but now I'm cycling in some new black t-shirts, some new long and short sleeve button ups, and also some new shorts and pants.
Optimize finances ✅
Again hard to share some hard numbers here (mostly because I'm not sure I want to share my finances with everyone 😂), however I've started using Copilot (not that copilot) and it's been really nice to see general trends, get automatic monthly recaps on my expenses and income. I highly recommend it!
Get serious about my career ✅
As I noted above - since last year I left Wayfair and joined Fireworks. It's been quite the shift and I hope to spend some time writing up more of my thoughts there so stay tuned.
Looking forward, I want to set the following goals for the next year:
Get serious about my health
This is partially a carry over from this last year, but I didn't really devote much concentrated effort on this. I've been thinking about doing more focused workouts instead of my usual walks (number of steps isn't everything)!
Build more
I've been kicking the can down the road on a number of side projects - some of which I really want to get off the ground. I want to launch at least 2 projects that are more than just open source libraries this next year.