Note: This post is a draft
Since I’ve learned about the concept of design tokens a few years ago, I’ve always found myself using both tokens and theme to represent the same concept, more specifically referring to a collection of tokens as a theme.
However, more recently I have been thinking a bit more about the relationship between tokens and themes, and I think there may be layers of abstractions between these two concepts and more directly that tokens might represent only a small fraction of what makes up a theme.
This is how I now currently conceptualize the relationship between design tokens and theme
Fundamentally, the definition of design tokens that I use is that they represent the collection of atomic values, used to define the visual language of a system. This is a fairly broad definition, as it doesn’t necessarily indicate the boundaries of this collection, for example most might agree that a primary brand color should be defined as a token within a system, but should specifics like button border radius be defined as its own atomic design token?
This question, that of where are the boundaries of what is a design token has been what I have been thinking about the most recently.
One of the early explorations in stressing the edges of the design tokens and
theme boundaries has been jxnblk's library
styled-system (and its more recent iteration, theme-ui). Specifically, both
library's concept of variant