Blog tags:

ThoughtsRedesignCareerSide ProjectsMetaCommunicationFamilyThanksSocial MediaStartupsIdeasRecapLooking AheadTechnologyCompetitionProjectsTwitterDevelopmentCSSWebGoogleRoundupCollectionAIWeb DevelopmentCalendarJavaScriptNext.jsReactComponentsBurnoutTravelPhotosLaunchLogArticleGraphQLSuspenseTestingDesign TokensDesign SystemsBendBack BayCollaborationCode ReviewDevelopment PracticesNoteMeetingsTeamsSlackProduct DevelopmentResolutionsThemeHackingSnippetsYarnMonoreposNodeWorkObsidianDropboxReact Testing LibraryGitTipWritingProductivityGuidesRantTools for ThoughtmicropoststubReviewAndroidiOSiPhoneNote TakingNotionDollarTailwindAdviceRandomDenoBirthdayGoalsOrganizationsGoLearningTypeScriptHot TakeChatGPTProject Deep DiveCloudflareZedCSS-in-JSObservabilityOSSVercelwebpackswcRefactorsAPIsToolsNotesTask ManagementProductGhosttyReact Server ComponentsServer ActionsFormsBlueskyRecommendationsTalksNode.jsCultureTeamGoalOpinionPersonal Knowledge ManagementSoftware Development


  1. A New Look
  2. Blogging vs Working
  3. 10,000 Characters
  4. Redesign
  5. Pull Quotes
  6. Redesign v5
  7. My New Website
  8. Redesign v6
  9. Starting Fresh
  10. Learning
  11. The Squeeze
  12. Write it down
  13. Leaving Wayfair


  1. A New Look
  2. Redesign
  3. Redesign v5
  4. My New Website
  5. Redesign v6
  6. Starting Fresh


  1. A New Resume
  2. Leaving Wayfair
  3. Offload Complexity, Don't Offload Learning

Side Projects:

  1. A New Resume
  2. Weekend Projects
  3. Building a Live Editor
  4. Start Small, Accept Change
  5. The Rabbit Hole
  6. NextJS Analytics with Airtable
  7. Building a Web Sandbox: Part 1
  8. Simple Props


  1. The Message is in the Medium
  2. Afraid
  3. Leaving Wayfair


  1. The Message is in the Medium
  2. On Written Communication
  3. Write it down


  1. Family Time


  1. Thanksgiving

Social Media:

  1. The Social Max


  1. Powerpoint


  1. Powerpoint
  2. Literate (web) Programming
  3. Idea: Distributable Web Apps


  1. 2015
  2. August
  3. 2018
  4. 2020: Year in Review
  5. Year in Music

Looking Ahead:

  1. Looking Ahead: 2016
  2. 2018
  3. Leaving Wayfair


  1. DJI vs GoPro
  2. October 4th
  3. Push vs Pull AI


  1. DJI vs GoPro


  1. My First Project of 2016
  2. Building in 2016
  3. Dollar: Devlog 1
  4. Dollar: Devlog 2
  5. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre
  6. Project Deep Dive: Tails
  7. Building Better Beacon
  8. The Library-Docs Monorepo Template
  9. Hohoro


  1. 10,000 Characters


  1. Clientside
  2. Attribute Selectors
  3. The Great CSS Debate
  4. Rebuilding Mustache
  5. Taking a Break
  6. Building a Live Editor
  7. Hooks Tips Ep. 1 - The Dependency Array
  8. Hooks Tips Ep. 2 - Migrating Instance Variables
  9. yw
  10. useConsole
  11. Writing Node Scripts
  12. Array Chunking
  13. React Testing Library: Checkboxes and events
  14. Updating Forked Repos
  15. Build Your Developer Toolbox
  16. My Two Favorite React Tricks
  17. My Opinionated Next.js Setup
  18. Upgrade Guides
  19. Moving to PNPM
  20. On Writing Tests
  21. Yarn Berry Gitignore Settings
  22. Dollar: Devlog 1
  23. Navigating Monorepos with Ease
  24. Dollar: Devlog 2
  25. Setting up Shiki on Next.js
  26. 10x Engineers
  27. Fractal Refactoring
  28. Deno
  29. Principles for Automated Testing
  30. Learning Go
  31. Finding React Artifacts
  32. Using Marquee with React and TypeScript
  33. Go To Git Utils
  34. AI Driven Development
  35. Pair Programming
  36. Stop Snacking
  37. Churn Anxiety
  38. Building Better Beacon
  39. The Library-Docs Monorepo Template
  40. Corporate Sponsored OSS
  41. Custom Favicon Recipes
  42. React Error Boundaries: Revisited
  43. Configuring Cloudflare Domains with Vercel
  44. My Current AI Stack
  45. Funport: True Dynamic Imports in webpack
  46. Hohoro
  47. Using Feature Toggles to De-risk Refactors
  48. Tip: Request and Response Headers
  49. There Is No Standard Markdown
  50. My Current Dev Setup
  51. Git Notes as a Tool for Thought
  52. Dogfooding
  53. More Thoughts on Dogfooding
  54. Offload Complexity, Don't Offload Learning
  55. Building a Custom Ghostty Theme
  56. Bluesky Tips and Tools
  57. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework
  58. Recommended Tech Talks
  59. A Quick Look at Import Maps
  60. The AI Development Conundrum
  61. Single File Web Apps
  62. You're Building Software Wrong


  1. Attribute Selectors
  2. The Great CSS Debate
  3. CSS in JS
  4. My Thoughts on Tailwind


  1. Pull Quotes


  1. October 4th


  1. Links
  2. Recommended Tech Talks


  1. Links


  1. Push vs Pull AI
  2. AI Driven Development
  3. My Current AI Stack
  4. Offload Complexity, Don't Offload Learning
  5. The AI Development Conundrum
  6. Cursor and Obsidian

Web Development:

  1. Rebuilding Mustache
  2. Calendar
  3. JavaScript Weirdness
  4. Redesign v6
  5. CSS in JS
  6. Understanding React 16.3 Updates
  7. Managing Complex UI Component State
  8. Taking a Break
  9. You've Launched, Now What?
  10. Suspense Plus GraphQL
  11. Testing Software
  12. React Error Boundaries
  13. Start Small, Accept Change
  14. useReducer, don't useState
  15. Snapshot Testing
  16. Maintenance Costs
  17. Simpler and Smaller
  18. Deploying Automatically using GitHub Actions
  19. Theme First UI Development
  20. A Note On Anti-Patterns
  21. My Updated Next.js Setup
  22. Navigating Monorepos with Ease
  23. Setting up Shiki on Next.js
  24. Setting up Next.js with Tailwind
  25. My Thoughts on Tailwind
  26. Deno
  27. Learning Go
  28. Finding React Artifacts
  29. Using Marquee with React and TypeScript
  30. Go To Git Utils
  31. AI Driven Development
  32. Pair Programming
  33. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre
  34. On Adopting CSS-in-JS
  35. Consistent Local Ports with Wrangler
  36. Type Safe process.env
  37. Service Monitors and Observability
  38. Churn Anxiety
  39. Project Deep Dive: Tails
  40. Building Better Beacon
  41. The Library-Docs Monorepo Template
  42. Corporate Sponsored OSS
  43. Custom Favicon Recipes
  44. Hohoro
  45. Using Feature Toggles to De-risk Refactors
  46. Tip: Request and Response Headers
  47. Abstract Your API
  48. There Is No Standard Markdown
  49. My Current Dev Setup
  50. A Better useSSR Implementation
  51. Don't Break the Implicit Prop Contract
  52. Next.js with Deno v2
  53. Monorepo Tips and Tricks
  54. TSLite
  55. The Bookkeeping Pattern
  56. Bluesky Tips and Tools
  57. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework
  58. Recommended Tech Talks
  59. A Quick Look at Import Maps
  60. Resetting Controlled Components in Forms
  61. Single File Web Apps
  62. You're Building Software Wrong


  1. Calendar


  1. JavaScript Weirdness
  2. CSS in JS
  3. Understanding React 16.3 Updates
  4. useConsole
  5. Array Chunking
  6. TSLite
  7. The Bookkeeping Pattern


  1. Redesign v6
  2. My Opinionated Next.js Setup
  3. My Updated Next.js Setup
  4. Setting up Shiki on Next.js
  5. Setting up Next.js with Tailwind
  6. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre
  7. Project Deep Dive: Tails
  8. Funport: True Dynamic Imports in webpack
  9. Using Feature Toggles to De-risk Refactors
  10. Next.js with Deno v2
  11. The Bookkeeping Pattern


  1. Understanding React 16.3 Updates
  2. Managing Complex UI Component State
  3. Suspense Plus GraphQL
  4. React Error Boundaries
  5. Hooks Tips Ep. 1 - The Dependency Array
  6. Hooks Tips Ep. 2 - Migrating Instance Variables
  7. useReducer, don't useState
  8. Theme First UI Development
  9. Stateful Providers
  10. useConsole
  11. React Testing Library: Checkboxes and events
  12. My Two Favorite React Tricks
  13. Using Marquee with React and TypeScript
  14. React Error Boundaries: Revisited
  15. A Better useSSR Implementation
  16. Don't Break the Implicit Prop Contract
  17. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework
  18. Resetting Controlled Components in Forms


  1. Managing Complex UI Component State


  1. Taking a Break


  1. Summer 2018 Trip
  2. Summer 2019 - Bend Oregon


  1. Summer 2018 Trip
  2. February 20, 2020


  1. You've Launched, Now What?


  1. Matt's Log - October


  1. Missing Detail


  1. Suspense Plus GraphQL


  1. Suspense Plus GraphQL


  1. Testing Software
  2. Snapshot Testing
  3. On Writing Tests

Design Tokens:

  1. Theme First UI Development

Design Systems:

  1. Theme First UI Development
  2. Computed Design Tokens


  1. Summer 2019 - Bend Oregon

Back Bay:

  1. February 20, 2020


  1. Draft Pull Requests
  2. A Note on Consistency
  3. Pair Code Reviews
  4. On Written Communication

Code Review:

  1. Draft Pull Requests
  2. Pair Code Reviews
  3. On Code Review

Development Practices:

  1. Stateful Providers
  2. Fast
  3. On Code Review


  1. A Note On Anti-Patterns
  2. A Note On Meetings


  1. A Note On Meetings


  1. A Note on Consistency
  2. Speedbumps
  3. Teams and Caterpillar Tracks
  4. No Process is Invisible Process


  1. Enhancing Slack
  2. Exporting Custom Slack Emoji

Product Development:

  1. Enhancing Slack


  1. 2021: Resolutions
  2. 29
  3. 30
  4. Thoughts on New Years Resolutions


  1. Computed Design Tokens


  1. Hack Sprint


  1. yw
  2. useConsole
  3. Type Safe process.env
  4. A Better useSSR Implementation


  1. yw
  2. Yarn Berry Gitignore Settings


  1. yw
  2. Navigating Monorepos with Ease
  3. Monorepo Tips and Tricks


  1. Writing Node Scripts


  1. The Squeeze
  2. Leaving Wayfair


  1. Roll your own Obsidian sync
  2. Switching back to Notion
  3. Switching back to Obsidian
  4. Simple Obsidian Task Management
  5. My Updated Obsidian Task Management
  6. Cursor and Obsidian


  1. Roll your own Obsidian sync

React Testing Library:

  1. React Testing Library: Checkboxes and events


  1. Updating Forked Repos
  2. Go To Git Utils
  3. Git Notes as a Tool for Thought


  1. Updating Forked Repos
  2. Fixing Zed's language server
  3. Exporting Custom Slack Emoji
  4. Tip: Request and Response Headers
  5. A Better useSSR Implementation
  6. Don't Break the Implicit Prop Contract
  7. The Bookkeeping Pattern
  8. Bluesky Tips and Tools


  1. On Written Communication


  1. Start Fresh


  1. Mac Setup Guide
  2. Exporting Custom Slack Emoji
  3. React Error Boundaries: Revisited
  4. Configuring Cloudflare Domains with Vercel


  1. Linear Tools Enforce Linear Thinking
  2. Avoid Distractions
  3. 10x Engineers
  4. Fractal Refactoring

Tools for Thought:

  1. Linear Tools Enforce Linear Thinking
  2. On Note Taking
  3. Git Notes as a Tool for Thought


  1. Delete it
  2. Video Games
  3. Fast Feedback Systems
  4. Deno
  5. Finding React Artifacts
  6. Jabs and Fluff: On CTO Office Hours
  7. No Process is Invisible Process
  8. Stop Snacking
  9. Being Unopinionated
  10. Consistent Local Ports with Wrangler
  11. Type Safe process.env
  12. Service Monitors and Observability


  1. Pair Programming (stub)


  1. Switching to iPhone


  1. Switching to iPhone


  1. Switching to iPhone


  1. Switching to iPhone

Note Taking:

  1. Switching back to Notion
  2. On Note Taking
  3. Switching back to Obsidian
  4. Simple Obsidian Task Management
  5. My Updated Obsidian Task Management


  1. Switching back to Notion
  2. Switching back to Obsidian


  1. Dollar: Devlog 1
  2. Dollar: Devlog 2


  1. Setting up Next.js with Tailwind
  2. My Thoughts on Tailwind


  1. Avoid Distractions


  1. 10x Engineers
  2. Fractal Refactoring
  3. 29
  4. Idea: Distributable Web Apps
  5. 30
  6. Team Memes


  1. Deno
  2. Next.js with Deno v2


  1. 29
  2. 30


  1. 29
  2. 30
  3. Thoughts on New Years Resolutions


  1. Speedbumps
  2. Team Memes


  1. Learning Go
  2. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre


  1. Learning Go
  2. Offload Complexity, Don't Offload Learning


  1. Using Marquee with React and TypeScript
  2. Type Safe process.env
  3. Hohoro
  4. TSLite
  5. The Bookkeeping Pattern

Hot Take:

  1. Jabs and Fluff: On CTO Office Hours


  1. AI Driven Development

Project Deep Dive:

  1. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre
  2. Project Deep Dive: Tails


  1. Project Deep Dive: Microfibre
  2. Consistent Local Ports with Wrangler
  3. Project Deep Dive: Tails
  4. Configuring Cloudflare Domains with Vercel


  1. Fixing Zed's language server


  1. On Adopting CSS-in-JS


  1. Service Monitors and Observability


  1. Corporate Sponsored OSS


  1. Configuring Cloudflare Domains with Vercel


  1. Funport: True Dynamic Imports in webpack


  1. Hohoro


  1. Using Feature Toggles to De-risk Refactors


  1. Abstract Your API


  1. My Current Dev Setup


  1. Simple Obsidian Task Management

Task Management:

  1. Simple Obsidian Task Management
  2. My Updated Obsidian Task Management


  1. Dogfooding
  2. More Thoughts on Dogfooding


  1. Building a Custom Ghostty Theme

React Server Components:

  1. The Bookkeeping Pattern
  2. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework
  3. Resetting Controlled Components in Forms

Server Actions:

  1. The Bookkeeping Pattern
  2. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework


  1. The Bookkeeping Pattern
  2. Request for a (minimal) RSC Framework


  1. Bluesky Tips and Tools


  1. Recommended Tech Talks


  1. Recommended Tech Talks


  1. A Quick Look at Import Maps


  1. Team Memes


  1. Team Memes


  1. Thoughts on New Years Resolutions


  1. The AI Development Conundrum

Personal Knowledge Management:

  1. Cursor and Obsidian

Software Development:

  1. You're Building Software Wrong